
Fast support in case of diarrhea!

Suitable for: Bucket feeding

AS-Vital is a versatile complementary feed compound for calves up to an age of 6 months and is created for the stabilization of the water and electrolyte balance.

AS-Vital is applied in case of risk of, during periods of, or recovery from digestive disturbance (diarrhea). It helps to suppress diarrhea quickly (within 24 hours) and provides calves with a boost when they are weak.

AS-Vital can be used for all types of diarrhea and it has a soothing revitalizing effect on the intestines.

  • Mix of electrolytes, glucose, vitamins and minerals
  • Can be used in case of digestive disturbance as well as preventative (mixed into water, milk or milk replacer)
  • Applied after stressful situations
  • Clears harmful bacteria from the intestinal wall
  • Regenerating effect on the intestinal wall
  • Tasteful, easy intake

Packaging: 5 kg bucket

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